Stormfieldworkers Labradors

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Stormfield Workers Boss Hoss

6 months

mother „ROSEMADE YOU ARE MY LOVE“Luna.html

black boy

Born : 06-06-2012 (ÖHZB LR 8286)

Gentest Narkolepsie: Genotyp N/N free (by parentage)

Gentest Erbliche Myopathie (HMLR): Genotyp N/N free (by parentage)

Exercise Induced Collapse – EIC (PCR): Genotyp N/N free (by parentage)


PRA-Gentest: Normal/Clear (A, free) (by parentage)

father : Int Ch Dark Side of Rose
mother : Rosemade You are my Love

breeder : Leonie&Andreas Blaha-Stormfield Workers Kennel (Austria)

father „INT. CH DARK SIDE OF ROSE“Dark_Side_of_Rose.html